Tuesday, April 23, 2024

a cleaner rust install on macos 12.7 Monterey

 Install Rust on macos

 curl –proto ‘=https’ –tlsv1.2 -sSf https://sh.rustup.rs | sh


The install (see above) is as easy as the official site (https://www.rust-lang.org/tools/install) says.   So why don't I like it?

Well I know I would have to:

  1. examine the script and try to figure out what it was doing
  2. write a note to myself about some directory paths
  3. review above note to uninstall 
  4. leave behind a bunch of left over files


macport is the package manager I use.

download and install macports from macports.org

A how to for homebrew users.

You don't need xcode but you will need the tools.  Launch terminal and enter these commands:

xcode-select --install

sudo port install rust
sudo port install cargo


cd /opt/local/bin 

./rustc --version
rustc 1.77.1 (7cf61ebde 2024-03-27) (built from a source tarball)

Success you have installed rust!

macos 12.7 Monterey macbook pro 2.7 GHz Core i5 (I5-5257U)

Monday, November 6, 2023

MySQL Windows 10

MySQL on Windows 10

 a list of tiny gotchas

Firstly, MySQL works great out of the box!

However, I wanted to change the location of the data directory.  What should have been an easy Custom install option turned into a nightmare (this option may have disappeared in version 8.2).

linux platform notes and hints often do not apply to Windows

edit my.ini with notepad++ do not use Windows notepad something about ANSI vs. UTF-8 text!

changing the location of the data directory is a goose chase.

extended directory attributes a nightmare to get right  

datadir location has changed between MySQL 5.6 and 8.x

crash course in Windows services


Stack Overflow and searching is your friend:


MySQL some settings


Installed MySQL and MySQL Workbench on my Macbook Pro x86 and everything worked right out of the box!  Workbench is very useful and takes care of connections and settings that as a non-database person would have gotten in the way of getting work done.

Setting up



Grid view

To see results in Workbench make sure the middle pane in grid view is visible.

MySQL database and Workbench and MariaDB on MBP x86


MacBook Pro early 2015 Intel, macos 12.x

Reason run a database on my laptop. 

 1. MySQL database and Workbench

Installs flawlessly; ready to go right from the installation.  As a noob, Workbench was a life saver.


2.  Maria db

This is another story.  10.1 -10.x are marked beta on macport.  They don't successfully install.  I did not try homebrew which mixes their binaries with the stock ones.  
Your best bet is going with the official Docker image which worked great and you get the most recent release 11.2.

Tuesday, October 11, 2022

speed up oh my zsh launch

Slow Start Up

The first time I launch terminal (which I rarely do) it takes about 10 seconds to finish loading.  Way longer than it should but I didn't bother fixing it.


What Really Happened

Still slow, adding the two lines to .zshrc did not fix it. Commented them out.


export NVM_LAZY=1

Will not fix for now.




Launch your Terminal app.  I used the nano editor in Terminal. 

Edit .zshrc


nano .zshrc

then copy and paste, the lines below to the end of your .zshrc file

# configure node version manager
export NVM_DIR=~/.nvm [ -s "$NVM_DIR/nvm.sh" ] && . "$NVM_DIR/nvm.sh" --no-use 
# This loads nvm
alias node='unalias node ; unalias npm ; nvm use default ; node $@'
alias npm='unalias node ; unalias npm ; nvm use default ; npm $@'





Sunday, September 11, 2022

Audacity 3.2.1 and libraries

Audacity 3.2.1

Tried arm64 and x86_64 both available for download.  The libraries are available in FAT binaries; works great.

Ignore below:

Building FFmpeg import/export library notes

Visit 2: building m1 arm64 apple silicon native ffmpeg

port install automake fdk-aac git lame libass libtool libvorbis libvpx \
opus sdl shtool texi2html theora wget x264 x265 xvid nasm
 Error: Port fdk-aac not found 
Error: Port opus not found
Error: Port sdl not found 

Error: Port shtool not found 

Error: Port theora not found

Error: Port shtool not found

sudo port install libfdk-aac
sudo port install libopus
sudo port install libsdl
sudo port install libtheora

sudo port install automake libfdk-aac lame libass libtool libvorbis libvpx libopus libsdl texi2html libtheora wget x264 x265 xvid nasm


Install shtool manually:

 --annoying of MacPorts to drop shtool?  brew has a formula

In /Users/b____/Documents/builds/ffmpeg_src/ffmpeg-4.4


WARNING: pkg-config not found, library detection may fail.

sudo port install pkgconfig 


sudo make install

The binary will be installed in:



Success building ffmpeg but ...

Still no ffmpeg.55.64bit.dylib !?!

Let's wait for Release 3.2


Visit 1: Building audacity

Thursday, August 11, 2022

Solved: bootable ssd big sur m1 apple silicon

Creating bootable external ssd  macos big sur m1 apple silicon

I installed macos Big Sur 11.6.8 on an external 256GB m.2 NVME ssd connected to the Thunderbolt port on an m1 Apple Silicon machine.  I used both the standalone installer downloaded from the App Store and from macos Recovery mode (holding down the power button).

Each time install would fail at the first reboot of the installer.

The install log in the Installer gives a hint:

 bridge device not found 

The ssd is bus powered; it is not powered up when the installer restarts.


The external ssd needs an external power source.  I connected the ssd to a port on a drive dock with its own power brick.  After installation you can plug the external ssd into the Thunderbolt port again.  

In addition, remember to set your internal drive as the startup drive (Apple menu> system prefs>Startup Disk) when you disconnect your external ssd.  Your system may not start correctly if you don't set the startup disk.

This applies to macos Big Sur 11.6.8.