Thursday, May 30, 2024

macos: check enrollment status

Check enrollment status

Launch terminal utility and type this:

sudo profiles status -type enrollment

You should see text like this in your terminal if Mac is not enrolled in management:

greyfin@dapple.local ~ % sudo profiles status -type enrollment
Enrolled via DEP: No
MDM enrollment: No


Friday, May 24, 2024

part 2: virtualizing pop os on m1 Apple Silicon

Virtualizing Pop Os! on m1 Apple Silicon


Using UTM.  It works! Its fast!

Summary: Ubuntu server arm64 + pop os desktop (arm64)


install ms fonts for linux


Part 2: rustup; why; using git


rustup; why

Turns out rustup is essential to many projects (zed, redox).

curl –proto ‘=https’ –tlsv1.2 -sSf | sh
Don't forget to update every once in a while (see Issue #1208 ).

rustup update
Ignore what I said:
rustup self uninstall


Using git

Friday, May 17, 2024

pop os, opensshd, emacs,rust-mode,starship , smb share, bionic A72

I'd already installed it on a 500GB HDD.  

OpenSSH Server

installing open ssh server

sudo nano /etc/ssh/sshd_config

default, leave it commented

#PubkeyAuthentication yes

change from no to yes
PasswordAuthentication yes


restart ssh server and then check that it is running

sudo systemctl restart ssh
sudo systemctl status ssh


On your client machine

generate the public key (don't use sudo)

ssh-keygen -t rsa -b 4096

copy it to the open ssh server host (your pop os machine)

ssh-copy-id user@pop-os.local
Looking at the sshd logs:
journalctl -u ssh

Change hostname

Change default hostname to a new one.
sudo hostnamectl set-hostname tap-matra

Installing starship

requires font

Try it with FiraCode Nerd Font

mkdir ~/.fonts


fc-cache -f -v ~/.fonts

Installing emacs-nox

From PPA: 

## Installing emacs from PPA ##
sudo apt remove --autoremove emacs emacs-common
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:ubuntuhandbook1/emacs
sudo apt install emacs-nox emacs-common

Other methods

Install rust-mode for emacs


touch ~/.emacs.d/init.el

add lines to init.el

(require 'package)
(add-to-list 'package-archives
             '("melpa" . "") t)


Now you can install rust-mode with:

M-x package-install rust-mode

And put this in your config to load rust-mode automatically:

(require 'rust-mode)


Mount share on remote host

gio mount smb://hostname.local/Downloads


Building zed code editor from git sources

Mekotronics R58X-HDD Rockchip RK3588 embedded PCs

Thursday, May 9, 2024

Why Linux will take over the world!

Linux reaches 4%

   will take over in 2040!


Linux distributions can be usable even by regular folk depending on how they use them.  For web browsing, working on documents, spreadsheets and drawing its usable its fine.

 But once you go off a very narrow path of those basic tasks you may wind up fiddling with apt, peering into the terminal, trying to install package mostly succeeding but sometimes failing in mysterious ways.


LibreOffice endless fonts menu

font snafu reponse to EULA fails?

virtualbox additions barf (gcc-11 or gcc-12??); works from virtualbox menu but not from inside the vm session.

installing rust on ubuntu confusion no rustup in the 22.04 repo!


  4% worldwide in 2022

pop_os! on Windows 10 host i5-6600

Trying pop_os!




arm64 m1



amd64 i5-6600

VirtualBox on Windows 10 i5-6600 very smooth.


sudo apt install build-essential

How to SSH into VirtualBox machine

amd64 i7-4790

sudo apt update && sudo apt upgrade

## install config open ssh server ##
sudo nano /etc/ssh/sshd_config
sudo systemctl restart ssh
sudo systemctl status ssh

## Installing emacs from PPA ##
sudo apt remove --autoremove emacs emacs-common
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:ubuntuhandbook1/emacs
sudo apt install emacs-nox emacs-common

## Installing melpa in ~/emacs.d/init.el ##

## Installing fonts rebuild cache
fc-cache -f -v ~/.fonts

# install smbclient
smbclient -L mirin.local -U user%passwd

# mount fs with gio
gio mount smb://mirin.local/Downloads

# mount location
cd /run/user/1000/gvfs/


amd64 i5-460m



 Put it on i7-4790 success!

Tried to put it on Fujitsu i5-460m failed but redox succeeded!


building zed code editor on pop_os!

 building zed code editor on pop_os!

Success!  Don't forget to install clang

Friday, May 3, 2024

virtualizing linux m1 part 1

virtual ubuntu linux on m1

I wanted to run pop_os! on my m1 mac mini. 


 Found UTM which is a slick frontend to qemu.  

Clipboard Sharing

Install spice-vdagent and reboot to enable clipboard sharing.

sudo apt install spice-vdagent


 x86 images are as slow as molasses.   Pop_os!  is only available in x86 iso.

arm64 are much faster; UTM has an image gallery where ubuntu 22.04 arm64 is available.


More Woes

Useful blog

UTM’s documentation.


 I'm out.  I have an old i7 I will run pop_os! on the bare hardware.